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Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.
Harold E. Beam, M.D.

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The Top 10 Most Common Plastic Surgeries and What Glastonbury Residents Should Know

Plastic Surgery in Glastonbury, CTPlastic surgery is more common than you might think. Furthermore, there are some treatments within the realm of plastic surgery that have become incredibly popularized and highly requested. Below, we’ll take a look at 10 of the most common plastic surgeries and what you need to know about them.

1.   Breast Augmentation

Breast enhancement via breast augmentation is the single most popular plastic surgery procedure. It involves the use of implants to enhance the size and shape of the breasts, as well as the proportions of the entire figure. Patients typically have the choice between saline and silicone implants, with silicone implants becoming a more popular option for their natural look and feel. Recovery is typically about two to four weeks before you can resume normal activities.

2.   Liposuction

Liposuction is another highly popular treatment that uses vacuum technology to remove fat cells from the body. Lipo can be performed nearly anywhere on the body, giving patients great flexibility when enhancing their figure. Most patients are able to resume normal activities within days of treatment, with some minor side effects persisting for a few weeks.

3.   Abdominoplasty

Another name for the tummy tuck procedure, abdominoplasty surgery removes excess skin and fat from the stomach to produce a flatter, toned appearance. The abdominal muscles are also tightened to enhance results. This procedure requires some notable downtime, typically about three to four weeks.

4.   Facelift

Facelifts are one of the most touted plastic surgery procedures, offering patients a simple solution to restoring a youthful appearance to the face. It can be combined with many other facial surgery techniques for more comprehensive results. While full recovery can take a few weeks, patients are typically back to normal activities within four to six weeks.

5.   Rhinoplasty

A nose job, or rhinoplasty, can be incredibly powerful in enhancing the overall balance and appearance of the face. If you experience conditions like a deviated septum or breathing difficulties, part of this procedure may even be covered by insurance. Rhinoplasty can take up to a year to heal completely, but most patients are back to normal within one to two weeks.

6.   Breast Lift

A breast lift restores the breasts to a youthful, perky position, and is a great option for women who have just completed pregnancy or breastfeeding. It can also be combined with the breast augmentation procedure to add volume and shape to the breasts in the process. Patients can expect a few weeks off usual activities, with a full recovery in about a month.

7.   Blepharoplasty

Blepharoplasty, or eyelid surgery, is a procedure that targets the eyelids to produce a more youthful, relaxed appearance. This procedure is ideal for addressing sagging eyelids that impair your vision, as well as the appearance of bags under the eyes. Patients can expect two weeks of initial recovery, with a near-full recovery in about a month.

8.   Breast Reduction

A breast reduction, in addition to enhancing a woman’s figure, can also be performed to alleviate the pain or discomfort of having large breasts. As this goes beyond cosmetic benefits, breast reductions are frequently covered by health insurance providers. The recovery is similar to that of a breast lift.

9.   Gynecomastia Surgery

Gynecomastia surgery removes tissue in the chest to help men achieve a more sculpted, masculine appearance. Gynecomastia is a condition that cannot be improved with diet and exercise, leaving surgery to be the most effective treatment option. Patients can expect about a week of downtime with full recovery in less than a month.

10.   Forehead Lift

The forehead lift targets wrinkles and lines on the forehead, tightening the skin to rejuvenate the appearance. It can be combined with a facelift or eyelid surgery for greater results. Performed alone, however, you can expect about ten days to two weeks of recovery, with full recovery a few weeks later.

Want to Learn More About These Surgeries?

To learn more about the plastic surgery procedures mentioned above, or to determine if these treatments are right for you, contact us today at Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery.

Residents Ask: Is Eyelids Surgery Right for Me?

Blepharoplasty (Eyelid Surgery) in Glastonbury, CTThe eyes play a surprising role in the overall youthfulness and appearance of the face. As we age, the eyelids begin to droop and sag. As a result, many people notice that they look unusually tired or angry. It can be a frustrating part of aging, but like other signs of aging, it can be treated! Eyelid surgery can rejuvenate the eyes and restore youthfulness to the face. But, this treatment might not be right for everybody – so let’s take a closer look and find it if eyelid surgery is right for you.

Upper vs. Lower Eyelid Surgery

Eyelid surgery, or blepharoplasty, can be performed on either the upper or lower eyelids. Some patients find that their upper eyelids begin to sag, interfering with their field of vision. The lower eyelids, however, are more responsible for cosmetic changes. Their sagging is responsible for the tired or aged facial appearance. Not every patient experiences both of these symptoms at once. Don’t worry, though, if you do, techniques can be combined to provide a full eyelid surgery. This is just one factor you need to consider before pursuing treatment.

Eyelid Surgery Recovery

Nowadays, surgery is a very safe and comfortable experience for patients, even when it involves the eyelids. The part you need to be prepared for is the recovery period. Eyelid surgery will cause some swelling and discomfort around the eyes for several days following surgery. Some patients also experience blurred vision, which is why we recommend that patients take about a week off of all activities to rest. It is important that patients have realistic expectations about their recovery, as you have to take many precautions before surgery so that you can recuperate safely and successfully.

Talk To Your Surgeon

The changes in your eyelids may be a result of factors outside of aging. In these cases, there may be other treatment options besides eyelid surgery. The best way to determine if eyelid surgery is right for you is to talk to a plastic surgeon like Harold E. Beam, MD. Dr. Beam can help you determine the best path forward and outline a specific plan so that you can enjoy a safe and successful eyelid surgery. To learn more or to schedule your consultation at our practice, contact us today.

Residents Ask: What is the Best Age for a Facelift?

Facelift in Glastonbury, CTA facelift is one of the most powerful plastic surgery procedures, capable of eliminating years of aging in a single treatment. Men and women across the country are using this technique to reverse aging, improve their appearance and boost their self-esteem. As a fairly extensive surgical procedure, however, a facelift should not be taken lightly. We want to help you determine when is the best time for a facelift. While it might vary slightly by patient, here are the age factors you want to consider.

When Do Most Patients Get a Facelift?

The decision to get a facelift is typically less about age, and more about the signs of aging that patients have begun developing. Everyone ages differently, so there’s no hard and fast rule for scheduling your facelift. Typically, the patients who are the best candidates for a facelift are between the ages of 40 and 60. That’s a pretty wide range – so let’s take a look at some of the signs that might suggest it’s time to consider your facelift.

Wrinkles & Lines

Wrinkles and lines are probably the most noticeable, and the most dreaded, effects of aging. They develop gradually, so you might notice that they’ve crept up on you without you even noticing! In the early stages, most wrinkles and lines can be addressed with non-invasive treatments. But when these creases set into the skin and your skin continues to lose elasticity, your wrinkles become more pronounced and more difficult to treat. It is at this point you may want to begin considering a facelift.

When Other Treatments Don’t Work

As we touched on above, at a certain point, non-invasive treatments will not be able to produce your desired results. Although chemical peels, laser treatments and injectables can significantly rejuvenate your skin, they’re not a permanent solution. Eventually, a facelift may be the only way to eliminate deeper signs of aging and restore a truly youthful appearance. So no need to rush into a facelift – try some less invasive alternatives first, then consider surgery if your results aren’t satisfactory!

How Do I Get Started with a Facelift?

If you’ve been thinking that a facelift might be right for you, you’re in good hands. At Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery, we can help you plan out your facelift procedure and ensure that you achieve the best results possible. Contact us today to learn more or to schedule your initial consultation!

Enhancing the Contours of Your Body with Liposuction

Liposuction in Glastonbury, CTLiposuction is a versatile body contouring technique that plays a role in several popular cosmetic surgery procedures. If you are unfamiliar with liposuction, the treatment is quite simple: a small metal tube is inserted through an incision in the skin. Then, fat is removed from the treatment area using a vacuum system. Now that you understand the basics of the liposuction technique, lets take a look at how liposuction can be used to contour different areas of the body.  With contouring of your body you have to remember this is a life style change.  You have to continue to maintain a healthy diet and exercise.

The Abdomen

When it comes to body contouring, the majority of people share one concern: the desire for a flat stomach. Whether you want to achieve a chiseled 6-pack or simply drop a few pounds, the stomach can be one of the most difficult areas to target. This is what makes liposuction so powerful. With liposuction, we can target the stubborn pockets of fat that are holding you back from a flat stomach or toned abs. With strategic lipo techniques, we can target certain areas of fat to enhance the shape of the abs and other attractive contours around the stomach. Liposuction is also a vital component of the tummy tuck procedure.

The Arms & Legs

The arms and legs are another priority for many patients. Even with the proper weightlifting regimen, you might be restricted by a small amount of fat that simply refuses to respond to your efforts. Liposuction is great for areas like this, as it can remove fat from even the smallest areas in order to enhance the overall appearance of the body. Liposuction is often incorporated into arm lift and thigh lift procedures because it can produce the sculpted look that many patients desire.

How Can I Get Started with Liposuction?

If you are considering a liposuction treatment, or if you’d like to discuss how liposuction could be beneficial to you, contact us today at Harold E. Beam Plastic Surgery. We are proud to offer liposuction and other body contouring treatments to men and women throughout Connecticut.

Five Facts Residents Should Know About Male Breast Reduction

Gynecomastia Surgery in Glastonbury, CTMale breast reduction treatments are becoming more common as men learn more about gynecomastia and care more about their physique. Gynecomastia is a perfectly normal condition to experience, but it doesn’t mean you have to live with it. If you are considering treatment for gynecomastia, here are five facts you need to know.

1. 50% of Men Experience Gynecomastia

50% is a shocking number, but it’s true – 1 in every 2 men experience gynecomastia during their lifetime. For most people, it develops during puberty in response to hormonal changes in the body. While most people grow out of it, an estimated 10% of men will continue to experience gynecomastia symptoms into adulthood. The good part about this is that there are effective treatment options available to you!

2. Surgery May Be Required

Gynecomastia is actually caused by tissue growth in the chest. While it may feel fatty, it is not actually made up of fat cells. This is why many men are unable to fix gynecomastia with exercise. Exercise burns fat, but it cannot eliminate excess tissue! Surgical removal is the best option for addressing the tissue that causes gynecomastia symptoms. Unless your symptoms are only caused by a build-up of fat, surgery may be the best option for you.

3. Select a Great Surgeon (And Trust Them)

When considering any type of cosmetic surgery, it’s incredibly important to choose a reputable and experienced surgeon. A great surgeon can make your treatment experience much more comfortable. Of course, your surgeon will also be directly responsible for your results! Make sure you do your research and select a surgeon with a successful history of performing male breast reduction surgery. Don’t be afraid to trust your surgeon and share your concerns. They will be able to walk you through the procedure and make sure your needs are met.

4. Liposuction Can Improve Results

Many patients choose to have gynecomastia surgery in order to achieve a more masculine physique. Combining male breast reduction with liposuction techniques can further improve your results by sculpting the nearby areas of the body. Liposuction can address stubborn fat in the abdomen, love handles and any fat that may be in the chest region. You may want to ask your surgeon how liposuction can improve your results!

5. Results are Permanent (Mostly)

The male breast reduction procedure removes tissue from the chest to create permanent results. Once the tissue is removed, it does not grow back. However, fat can still accumulate in the chest if you do not practice healthy diet and exercise habits. Don’t forget to maintain a healthy lifestyle to make your results last as long as possible. If you have any other questions about the male breast reduction procedure, or if you’d like to discuss your needs with a surgeon, contact us today at Harold E. Beam Plastic Surgery.

Natural Breast Augmentation Options: Which One is Right for You?

Breast Implants in Glastonbury, CTThe fear of unsatisfactory results is the number one reason patients choose not to receive a breast augmentation. It’s a perfectly reasonable concern, as some breast augmentation procedures can produce unnatural-looking results in the breasts. This was certainly a problem in the past, when breast surgery was still new and techniques were still being developed. Today, however, with a quality surgeon, your breast augmentation can look and feel perfectly natural. Below, we’ll take a look at some of your options when it comes to achieving a natural breast augmentation.

Breast Implants

Breast implants are the more common breast augmentation method. When it comes to breast implants, there are two main types: saline and silicone. Saline implants have a gel-like shell, and are filled with a sterile saltwater solution. Silicone implants are made entirely of gel, offering a more consistent texture and shape. Many patients agree that silicone implants offer a more natural look and feel. Saline implants offer the benefit of requiring smaller incisions, often resulting in less scarring and shorter recovery time. However, many patients agree that silicone implants offer a more natural look and feel.

Depending on your goals, implants can be placed either below or above the pectoral muscles. At the time of your consultation, Harold E. Beam M.D. and our APRN’s will determine which is best for you.  Placement beneath the muscle offers a more natural look and feel, while extending recovery time. Conversely, placement above the muscle makes a more comfortable recovery, but may compromise on the look and feel of your results.

Which One is Right for Me?

If you are still having trouble deciding on the type of breast augmentation technique that is best for you, contact us today to schedule your consultation with Dr. Harold E. Beam. We can help you find the breast augmentation option that will satisfy all of your needs.

Liposuction vs. Fat Freezing (CoolSculpting®)

CoolSculpting® in Glastonbury, CTLiposuction is one of the oldest and simplest procedures for removing stubborn, unwanted fat. And for many years, it was the best way to enhance the contours of the body when diet and exercise just couldn’t do the trick. Today, however, there are many other fat reduction techniques available. Treatments like CoolSculpting® are changing the cosmetic industry by offering fat reduction treatments that don’t require surgery. If you are considering a fat reduction procedure, lets take a closer look at these options so you can determine the treatment that is right for you.

The Treatment

The first difference between liposuction and CoolSculpting® is the treatment approach. Liposuction is a surgical technique done as an outpatient procedure under anesthesia which involves making small incisions in the skin. Through these incisions, a metal tube, called a cannula, is inserted. Targeted body fat will then be vacuumed out through this tube, creating the desired results. CoolSculpting®, on the other hand, is a fat freezing treatment done in the office. The CoolSculpting® device freezes fat cells from the skin’s surface, killing them instantly. After treatment, the body will gradually flush these destroyed fat cells from the system, producing a slimming effect in the treatment area. While liposuction is surgical and CoolSculpting® is non-surgical, both treatments are equally safe when performed by a medical professional.

The Results

With liposuction, the results are visible almost immediately. This is because the fat is removed from the body during the treatment process. You will have some bruising and swelling which will greatly improve over 4 – 6 weeks after surgery.  With CoolSculpting®, the results may not be visible right away. It can take several weeks for the body to fully eliminate the treated fat cells from the system. Furthermore, with CoolSculpting®, it may take multiple treatment sessions to deliver optimal results. With liposuction, you can effectively target and remove all desired fat in a single procedure.

The Recovery

As a surgical procedure, liposuction does require significantly more downtime than CoolSculpting®. Liposuction can cause swelling, bruising, discomfort and related side effects in the treatment area. These symptoms typically only last a few weeks, but they will require you to take time away from work and other activities. With CoolSculpting®, patients are able to return to their usual activities immediately following treatment. While there are some minor side effects such as redness or numbness in the skin, you won’t need to take time off of work or even exercise.

The Cost

Since CoolSculpting® is a non-surgical technique, it typically has a lower treatment cost than liposuction procedures. However, you need to keep in mind that the cost will vary depending on how many treatments it takes to deliver your desired results. To discuss the cost of your treatment or further discuss either of these effective treatment options, contact us today at Harold E. Beam Plastic Surgery. We’ll help you narrow down your treatment options and achieve the figure you’ve been dreaming of.

Introducing the Potenza™ Microneedling Device

Non-Surgical in Glastonbury, CTDr. Harold Beam and his expert team of professionals are proud to announce receiving a new addition to their medical spa services. The Cynosure® Potenza™ is a cutting-edge radiofrequency microneedling device for patients of any skin type, that have concerns anywhere on the body, all year round.

Radiofrequency Microneedling vs. Traditional Microneedling

Most of our patients are already aware of traditional microneedling – a minimally invasive cosmetic procedure that involves pressing several very small, microscopic needles into the skin to trigger the body’s natural healing processes and increase their natural production of collagen. While traditional microneedling can improve the appearance of acne scarring, uneven skin texture and fine lines around the face, the addition of radiofrequency energy can help tighten any loose or sagging skin around the treated areas for flawless results.

What Makes the Potenza™ Microneedling Device Different?

The Potenza™ is the newest FDA-approved radiofrequency microneedling device by Cynosure®, a trusted medical device company. The Potenza™ features four different radiofrequency modes that each have unique monopolar, bipolar, 1 and 2 MHz capabilities. Between nine different multi-needle tips and their patented Unique Tiger Tip™ technology that allows treated your skin at different depths, radiofrequency microneedling with the Potenza™ provides beautiful, radiant results that are customized to each patient’s individual needs.

What Can Radiofrequency Microneedling with the Potenza™ Treat?

We highly recommend coming in for a consultation with Dr. Beam to discuss if radiofrequency microneedling treatments with the Potenza™ are right for you if you desire:

  • Improved appearance of scarring
  • Reduced fine lines and wrinkles
  • More even, smooth skin texture
  • Tightened skin in the treated area
  • An even, radiant complexion

Am I a Good Candidate for Potenza™ Treatments?

If you are interested in treating the loose skin or uneven skin texture anywhere around your face and body, despite your skin type, radiofrequency microneedling with the brand-new Cynosure® Potenza™ may be right for you. The best way to find out if these microneedling treatments are right for you is to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Beam today. He’ll be more than happy to sit down with you, listen to your concerns and develop a fully personalized treatment plan to help you meet all of your aesthetic goals.

To learn more about radiofrequency microneedling treatments with the Potenza™, feel free to contact us at your convenience. In light of recent events, we are now offering virtual consultations that allow you to get all of your questions answered from the comfort and safety of your very own home. Simply schedule your video consultation and wait for our call.

Why is Plastic Surgery So Important?

Plastic Surgery in Glastonbury, CT

For some, choosing to undergo plastic surgery is a big personal decision. For others, choosing to undergo plastic surgery is the difference between having a simple and complicated life ahead of them. We understand that many people don’t know the differences between plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery, and are sensitive to the fact that many are worried about being judged for the connotation associated with the two. Let’s go over which plastic surgery actually entails and how it changes lives.

What is Plastic Surgery?

Plastic surgery is a set of surgical procedures that help improve the insecurities of the patient while restoring the function and wholeness of the affected area of the body. The word “plastic” in plastic surgery has nothing to do with the materials used to help patients, rather it refers to the Greek word plastikē which means “the art of modeling” or the ability to mold.

What Makes Plastic Surgery Different from Cosmetic Surgery?

While the two terms have become synonymous over the years, plastic surgery and cosmetic surgery are not at all the same. While, yes, both specialties are similar in their goal to enhance the body’s appearance, the outcomes of their practices are very different. Cosmetic surgery is solely focused on the physical appearance of the body – the body’s symmetry, proportion, and aesthetic appeal. While plastic surgery takes these factors into account it also takes into account the function of the affected area, restoring the patient’s use of the area to full or almost full capacity.

Plastic Surgery Can Be Life-Changing

Many patients turn to the expertise of a plastic surgeon after dealing with the results of a trauma, disease, congenital disorder, or tragic accident. Most often, we see patients coming into our office looking for us to restore the function of their affected areas with an enhanced appearance through:

  • Hand reconstruction
  • Scar revision surgery
  • Breast reconstruction
  • Burn repair
  • Mohs or skin cancer surgery closure
  • Congenital defect repair

Let Us Help You Boost Your Self-Esteem

Restoring the appearance and functionality of the affected area is really only half the benefits patients receive from undergoing plastic surgery. The results of plastic surgery also help restore and boost our patients’ self-confidence. When you look your best, you feel your best. The same goes for the result of any traumatic life event.  Let us help you rebuild your confidence by looking like your true self, inside and out, through the wonders of plastic surgery.

If you are interested in learning more about which plastic surgery procedures can help the appearance and functionality of your affected area, call our office today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Beam or his Nurse Practitioners. They’ll evaluate your condition, listen to your concerns and develop a fully-customized treatment plan centered on your budget, lifestyle and ultimate goals.

Your Guide to the Juvederm® Family

Juvederm in Glastonbury, CTChoosing the right dermal filler for you can be overwhelming, and just when you thought you settled on a brand, you realize there are so many different products within that brand to choose from. Juvederm® and its family of dermal filler products are specifically designed with different problem areas in mind. Still a little confused? Let us help you out with this ultimate guide to Juvederm®.

What is Juvederm®?

Juvederm® is a family of injectable dermal fillers used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that appear around the face. All Juvederm® dermal fillers are formulated with a unique hyaluronic acid-based gel. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring sugar in the body that binds to water and adds volume into the skin. Juvederm® works to replace hyaluronic acid where it has depleted with age. Not only are all Juvederm® products FDA-approved, but they are also the safest non-animal-based laboratory-produced dermal fillers on the market.

What Makes Each Juvederm® Product Different?

The difference in each Juvederm® dermal filler gel lies in how it is formulated. Each Juvederm® product uses a different percentage of hyaluronic acid. How tightly those hyaluronic acid sugars are cross-linked together produces different results in the skin. Juvederm® takes it even a step further, having its products vary in molecular weight. This mixing of molecular weights in a Juvederm® product gives it a “Vycross” characteristic, making it unlike any other you can get on the market.

Which Juvederm® Product is Right for Me?

Outside of traditional Juvederm® XC, which is the most versatile to treat fine lines and wrinkles around the face, Dr. Beam also carries Volbella®, Vollure™, and Voluma®.

1.     Volbella®

Volbella® is the thinnest formulated of the three hyaluronic acid-based gels. Its runny consistency is ideal for spreading into fine lip lines or to add volume into sunken areas under the eyes. Volbella® is also great for a natural-looking minimally invasive lip augmentation.

2.     Vollure™

Vollure™ is your happy medium dermal filler. It has enough durability and enough flexibility to treat your nasolabial folds, also known as laugh lines or parentheses. The product fills in the lines for a natural-looking appearance that allows your facial expressions to show through.

3.     Voluma®

Voluma® is the thickest and strongest dermal filler gel in the family. Voluma® is ideal to fill volume in the cheeks that have sunken over time due to age. This gives the appearance of a natural lift to the cheeks, creating a bright and youthful appearance.

Are you thinking you may need more than one of these products to achieve your aesthetic goals? No problem! To find out which Juvederm® product or products are best for you, contact us today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Beam or his Nurse Practitioners. They’ll evaluate your skin, listen to your concerns and develop a fully customized skin rejuvenation treatment plan based on your desired results.

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