Most women that experience pregnancy, weight loss, or loss of skin elasticity due to aging may begin to notice a gradual drooping of their breasts. While breast sagging is entirely natural, this change in a woman’s body may cause discomfort or lower self-esteem. Breast lift surgery is widely-known as an effective procedure to correct this issue, leaving the breasts perkier and more youthful than before. However, many women shy away from this procedure because of concerns over the safety and longevity of breast implants. Luckily, Dr. Harold E. Beam skillfully performs breast lift procedures for women without the use of breast implants.
What Are the Benefits of a Breast Lift?
Many women who are experiencing gradual sagging of their breasts wish to restore them to a more youthful appearance. A breast lift can accomplish this by restoring a fuller, rounder shape to the breasts for a younger, more rejuvenated look.
Can a Breast Lift Be Performed Without Breast Implants?
The option to have a breast lift performed with or without a breast augmentation depends on the ultimate goals of the patient. If the patient desires a perkier appearance to her breasts along with more volume, breast augmentation is recommended in conjunction with a breast lift.
However, if she is content with the volume of her breasts, a breast lift alone can be performed. During the procedure, an incision is made around the areola and/or down the front of the breast and breast crease depending on the degree of sagging. The breast is then pulled, tightened, and the nipple and areola are moved to a higher position to reveal perkier breasts with a more pleasing overall shape.
Schedule a Breast Lift Consultation
When performed by an experienced surgeon like Dr. Harold E. Beam, a breast lift procedure can boost a woman’s self-esteem, making her feel more confident and feminine. Dr. Beam and his staff provide breast lift procedures along with other breast enhancing procedures at locations in Glastonbury, Hartford, New Britain, New Haven, and the surrounding areas of Connecticut. For more information or to schedule a consultation, contact Harold E. Beam, MD plastic surgery today.