During pregnancy your skin must stretch to accommodate a growing baby. But pregnancy can sometimes stretch the abdominal muscles and skin beyond the point where they can return to normal. When this happens, diet and exercise will not be enough to help you regain your pre-pregnancy body. You’re going to need a tummy tuck.
A tummy tuck is a surgical procedure that removes excess skin and fat from the abdomen and tightens the muscles of the abdominal wall. It can dramatically reduce the appearance of a protruding abdomen, but it will produce a permanent scar that will possibly run from hip to hip.
First, a horizontal incision is made just above the pubic area and a second incision is made around the belly button. Then the skin is lifted, separating it from the abdominal muscles. If the muscles need to be repaired, Dr. Beam will repair them at the time of the procedure. Excess fat deposits are removed along with excess skin. A new hole is made for the belly button and the skin is pulled back down over the abdomen.
After a tummy tuck, most patients experience bruising and swelling. You will need to wear a compression garment for approximately 2-4 weeks. You should plan to rest at least one week to 10 days before returning to work.
When Should I Have a Tummy Tuck?
Your body needs time to rebound after childbirth, so wait until after you are done breastfeeding to have your tummy tuck surgery. Also, we typically suggest that you wait until you are done having children. That is because vertical muscles in the abdomen that are tightened during the surgery can separate again during a subsequent pregnancy. If you have more children after having a tummy tuck you will simply undo all the work you’ve had done.
The tummy tuck is designed to sculpt your midsection, giving you a flatter, slimmer waistline. A tummy tuck cannot correct stretch marks, but the stretch marks may be removed or somewhat improved if they are located in the area of excess skin that will be removed during the tummy tuck surgery.
The final results of your tummy tuck surgery may be obscured at first by some swelling and the inability to stand fully upright until healing is complete, but afterward you will notice a firmer, flatter abdomen.
To find out if a tummy tuck is right for you, contact us for more information or to schedule a consultation. Harold E. Beam, MD Plastic Surgery is located in Glastonbury,
Connecticut, serving residents of Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford and surrounding areas.