Dr. Beam offers otoplasty (ear surgery) for patients in Hartford, New Britain, Glastonbury, New Haven and surrounding areas of Connecticut.
Many children and adults are self-conscious about the size and shape of their ears. Children between the ages of four and fourteen may be ridiculed for ears that are large or obtrusive. Otoplasty (ear pinning surgery) can help to improve the appearance of protruding ears.
How is Otoplasty Performed?
To begin, Dr. Beam will create an incision behind the ear. From here, excess skin and cartilage is removed from behind the ear and the ear is folded and reshaped so it lies closer to the head. Finally, the incisions are sutured shut. Otoplasty is a very common procedure, and we have many patients that choose ear surgery in conjunction with other procedures such as Rhinoplasty and eyelid surgery.
Am I a Good Candidate for Otoplasty?
For any cosmetic surgery, we require that you are in overall good health and that you have realistic expectations of your surgery. When you are considering ear surgery for your child, parents should be sure they have their child’s best interest in mind. If you feel otoplasty may be the solution you have been looking for to help your disproportionate ears, call today to schedule your otoplasty consultation with Dr. Beam.
What Can I Expect After Otoplasty?
Most patients experience some mild discomfort after surgery, especially when trying to sleep on their side. Fortunately, the scar during surgery is made in the crease behind your ear, so this will be virtually invisible. Discomfort should only last about a week, and oral pain medication and a headband around the ears may help this.
Click Here to See Our Otoplasty Before and After Photos!
Dr. Beam and his staff can discuss all pricing and financing options with you at your initial consultation.
Otoplasty FAQs
Dr. Beam and his expert medical team don’t believe in a perfect age to undergo otoplasty. They are happy to provide patients with the results they desire whether they’re a child, a teen, or well into their adulthood. That being said, we do recommend parents wait until their children are at least seven-years-old to consider otoplasty. This is typically the age at which the ears become fully developed.
Following your otoplasty, we recommend patients sleep on their back with pillows elevated the head for at least a week following surgery. Keeping the head elevated reduces the risk of excessive swelling and promotes healthier, quicker healing. We also recommend you avoid sleeping on your side for at least two weeks following surgery. To make this easier, we suggest keeping pillows on either side of the head to avoid rolling over in the middle of the night.
To reduce your swelling following your otoplasty, we may recommend keeping your head elevated and icing your ears on a schedule. Dr. Beam and his medical team will provide you with detailed post-operative care instructions following surgery to help you have a quick and healthy recovery.
Harold E. Beam M.D. offers plastic and cosmetic surgery to patients in Glastonbury, New Britain, Hartford, New Haven and surrounding areas of Connecticut. Contact Dr. Beam today to schedule your ear surgery consultation!