Choosing the right dermal filler for you can be overwhelming, and just when you thought you settled on a brand, you realize there are so many different products within that brand to choose from. Juvederm® and its family of dermal filler products are specifically designed with different problem areas in mind. Still a little confused? Let us help you out with this ultimate guide to Juvederm®.
What is Juvederm®?
Juvederm® is a family of injectable dermal fillers used to reduce the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles that appear around the face. All Juvederm® dermal fillers are formulated with a unique hyaluronic acid-based gel. Hyaluronic acid is a naturally-occurring sugar in the body that binds to water and adds volume into the skin. Juvederm® works to replace hyaluronic acid where it has depleted with age. Not only are all Juvederm® products FDA-approved, but they are also the safest non-animal-based laboratory-produced dermal fillers on the market.
What Makes Each Juvederm® Product Different?
The difference in each Juvederm® dermal filler gel lies in how it is formulated. Each Juvederm® product uses a different percentage of hyaluronic acid. How tightly those hyaluronic acid sugars are cross-linked together produces different results in the skin. Juvederm® takes it even a step further, having its products vary in molecular weight. This mixing of molecular weights in a Juvederm® product gives it a “Vycross” characteristic, making it unlike any other you can get on the market.
Which Juvederm® Product is Right for Me?
Outside of traditional Juvederm® XC, which is the most versatile to treat fine lines and wrinkles around the face, Dr. Beam also carries Volbella®, Vollure™, and Voluma®.
1. Volbella®
Volbella® is the thinnest formulated of the three hyaluronic acid-based gels. Its runny consistency is ideal for spreading into fine lip lines or to add volume into sunken areas under the eyes. Volbella® is also great for a natural-looking minimally invasive lip augmentation.
2. Vollure™
Vollure™ is your happy medium dermal filler. It has enough durability and enough flexibility to treat your nasolabial folds, also known as laugh lines or parentheses. The product fills in the lines for a natural-looking appearance that allows your facial expressions to show through.
3. Voluma®
Voluma® is the thickest and strongest dermal filler gel in the family. Voluma® is ideal to fill volume in the cheeks that have sunken over time due to age. This gives the appearance of a natural lift to the cheeks, creating a bright and youthful appearance.
Are you thinking you may need more than one of these products to achieve your aesthetic goals? No problem! To find out which Juvederm® product or products are best for you, contact us today to schedule your one-on-one consultation with Dr. Beam or his Nurse Practitioners. They’ll evaluate your skin, listen to your concerns and develop a fully customized skin rejuvenation treatment plan based on your desired results.